
Fee Increases at the United States Patent and Trademark Office


The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) are implementing significant fee increases. Here’s an outline of the upcoming changes and recommendations for UK applicants.

Key Dates

- Publication of Final Rule: November 2024

- Effective Date of New Fees: 18 January 2025

The fee increases proposed so far are subject to change following publication of the final rule. It is worth noting in the meantime that some of the fee changes proposed are up to 100% increases. 

Recommendations for UK Applicants

  1. Consider Taking Action Early: E.g. submit applications before the fee increases to save money if the US is a market of interest.
  2. Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Management: Collate IDS submissions to avoid new fees.
  3. Renewals: Make sure renewal instructions are given in sufficient time to avoid increased late fee payments.


With significant fee increases on the horizon, patent and trademark applicants must carefully plan in advance. At ip21 we can help you adjust your strategy to manage the increased costs effectively. Early filings, strategic claim management, and proactive participation in the consultation process are crucial steps to mitigate the financial impact.

If you want to discuss your current portfolio or filing strategy, contact ip21 today.